Thursday 27 February 2014


Nutrition in 100 gm (boiled)
Energy: 20 kcal
27.13 gm
1.95 gm
Dietary fibre
2 gm
93.95 gm
0.18 gm
0.014 gm
0.033 gm
0.078 gm
0.84 gm
Vitamin A
 6 µ gm
Vit B1 (Thiamin)
0.051 mg
Vit B2 (Riboflavin)
0.053 mg
Vit B3 (Niacin)
1.280 mg
Vit B6
0.041 mg
Vit B9 (Folate)
51 µ gm
Vitamin C (Absorbic acid)
33 mg
Vitamin E
0.14 mg
Vitamin K
4.8 µ gm
9 mg
0.38 mg
16 mg
36 mg
319 mg
0.77 mg

Bitter melon is also called ‘Karela’ or ‘hagalkai’. Drinking karela juice daily in the morning is very good for health. It is rich in antioxidants that help combat the cell-damaging effect of free radicals in our body. Karela can be taken raw in the form of juice and it is very beneficial to our body. As the name suggests, bitter gourd is bitter to taste. It is eaten when it is green for it becomes red when it ripens. It becomes bitterer when it ripens. Due to the bitter taste, bitter melon is rarely used with other vegetables. The bitter taste can be reduced by keeping the pieces in salt water for some time. It is often stir-fried.
Bitter melon contains a bitter compound called momordicin that is said to have a stomachic effect. Many people especially children, don’t like it because of the bitter taste. Some people eat it because it is so beneficial to health. It is rich in important nutrients like magnesium, folic acid, zinc, and important vitamins like B1, B2, B3, and C amongst others.

1. Worms in stomach: Make  a paste of  bitter gourd seeds with milk. Drink this.
2. Cancer: Bitter melon contains Eleostearic acid which prevents angiogenisis which is a implicated in the growth of cancer.
3. Digestion: It improves digestion. It is good cure for constipation and dyspepsia.
4. Malaria: It is believed that bitter melon can pervent and cure malaria.
5. Diabetes: Drinking bitter gourd juice on empty stomach in the morning is very good for diabetic patients. The leaves of bitter melon are boiled in water. The liquid is stained to perpare tea which is good for malaria and diabetes. It helps lowering and controling the sugar in blood.
6. AIDS: Extracts from bitter melon are used to cure HIV infection.
7. Bitter melon is sold as a food suplement in the form of capsule.
8.Bitter melon contains four bioactive compounds. These compounds activate proteins that improve absorption of glucose. Hence it is good for diabetic patients. Bitter melon also contains a lectin that has insulin-type activity.
9. Infection: Bitter gourd helps in strengthening the immune system. It gives protection from various infections and diseases.
10. Youthfulness: Bitter gourd can keep you slim and beautiful.
11. Eyes: bitter gourd can help keep the eyes healthy. The eyes will become sharp.
12. Bitter gourd is a natural blood purifier. It can keep your skin smooth and shining. It helps keep skin problems away.
13. Bitter gourd can increase stamina and prevent problems of hypertension.
14. Piles: Bitter gourd juice with butter milk is a good cure for piles.
Danger: The seeds of bitter melon are sweet but can cause nausea. Bitter melon can make heart burn and ulcer serious.

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