Friday 28 February 2014



Nutrition in 1 raw green capsicum
Energy: kcal
Dietary fibre
1.3 gm
9-17 gm
0.66 gm
Vit. A
467.7 IU
Vit. B3 (Niacin)
4 mg
Folate (Vit B9)
6.8 µ gm
Vitamin C
66 mg
14 mg
6.7 mg
7.4 mg
131 mg
1.48 mg
Iron, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc
small amounts

Capsicum or pepper is used as a spice and vegetable. It contains capsaicin (methyl venillyl nonenamide) which can produce strong burning sensation in the mouth when eaten. But capsican is not as hot as chillie and hence it can be eaten raw. It is also used in the cooked form in in various dishes like curry, pickles, stir-fries, sandwhiches, soups, etc.
        There are capsicums of different colours, shapes and sizes. Most of the capsaicin is concentrated in the part inside it and not on the peel.
        The green capsicum has a fresh flavour. It ripens to red capsicum, which has a bit sweet taste. The yellow and orange capsicum taste like red capsicum but they are not so sweet.
1. Capsaicin present in capsicum is used in medicine as a circulatory stimulant and pain reliever.
2. An extract from capsicum is used to prepare pepper spray which is used by the police to disperse a mob.
3. It is an excellent source of vitamin A & C. These antioxidants work together to nutralize the free radicals, which can travel freely through the body damaging cells.
4. Capsicum helps reduce the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, cataract, arthritis and asthma due to the presence of antioxidants that nutralize the free radicals. It helps reduce cholesterol.
5. Capsicum is good for the mucous membrane, eyes and skin.
6. Capsicum has anti-inflammatory properties. It encourages healing and wards off infections.
7.Obesity: Capsicum is good fro those trying to reduce weight since it speeds up metablism and helps burn up calories.
8. Capsicum stimulates secretion in stomach and helps digestion of food.
9. Constipation: Capsicum has laxative effect and is good for curing constipation.
10. Capsicum can also be used externally for treating arthritis, sore back muscles, rheumantism or sprains and bruises.
Danger: Do not get capsicum in your eyes as it can lead to sever burning, stinging and eye irritation.

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