Thursday 27 February 2014


                                                   BLACK PLUM

Black plum is also called ‘jamun’. Jamun tree is huge and is full of dark purple coloured fruits. Inside each fruit there is one big seed. The fruits fall down when they ripen. But you have to be careful before you eat the fallen fruits for they may be full of white worms which are difficult to see. Tongue becomes purple after eating just a few fruits.

The bark, fruits and leaves are all edible and have medicinal properties.
1. Cooling: the fruits have high water content and hence they give a cooling effect to the body when eaten.
2. Tonic: Being very nutritious, the fruits are a tonic to our body.
3. Diarrhoea: Jamun seeds are powdered and mixed with mango seed powder and jaggery. Small balls are prepared of this mixture. One ball each is taken thrice a day to cure diarrhoea.
4. Diarrhoea: You can also mix the powder of the bark with honey and milk. Drink the mixture twice a day to cure diarrhoea.
5. Vomiting: A decoction of the leaves of jamun and mango is prepared and cooled. This is mixed with honey and taken twice a day to cure vomiting caused by hyper acidity. It cures the burning sensation.
6. Diabetes: Jamun fruit is very good for a diabetic patient. You can also take one tea spoon of jamun powder daily to prevent the loss of glucose in urine.
7. White vaginal discharge: Make a paste of jamun roots in water in which rice has been washed and drink with the same water twice a day.
8. Spleen inflammation: Drink jamun juice once a day to improve health.
9. Pus: Paste the jamun leaves over the wound with pus to remove the pus.
10. Wound: Bark of jamun tree is powdered and sprinkled on the fresh wound. The wound will heal quickly and bleeding will stop.
11. Bleeding: Make a decoction of the bark of jamun tree. Cool it and mix honey and drink to stop the bleeding.
12. Indigestion: Fresh jamun is a very powerful digestive. Eat fresh jamuns to cure indigestion.
13. Piles: Eat jamun with salt daily for two to three months to cure piles.

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