Friday 28 February 2014



Cinnamon is the seed of an herbal plant used as a spice. Dried bark, twigs and leaves are also edible. Thin (0.5mm) inner bark is used as a spice. When it dries it forms rolls. Oil extracted by steam distillation of dried bark and leaves is called cinnamon oil.

Cinnamon is used to flavour soft drinks, tea, bakery products, coffee, rice dishes, curry, etc. It is also used in medicines and perfumes. It is said to improve blood circulation, increase energy and vitality.
Cinnamon is the most overlooked but healthiest spice in the world. It is often called ‘fat burning spice’ because eating it daily in your diet can help reduce abdominal fat. It is a powerful anti-oxidant.
1. Eugenol present in cinnamon oil is antiseptic and anesthetic.
2. Cinnamon oil is used in detergents, gargles, lotions, mouthwashes, toothpaste, soap, etc.
3. Diarrhoea: Cinnamon is useful in cases of diarrhoea, menstrual pain, nausea, gas problem.
4. Cinnamon is used in the treatment of stomach pain, chest pain, cold, female reproductive disorders, kidney disorders, hypertension, colds and rheumatism.
5. Cinnamon products are antifungal and analgesic.
6. Cinnamon extracts can be used as a food preservative since they slow down oxidation of food stuffs.
7. In Ayurveda, cinnamon is used in the treatment of diabetes, indigestion and cold.
8. Diabetes: Cinnamon is rich in mineral called chromium, which helps the action of insulin in the body. It helps maintain insulin sensitivity.
9. Ulcer: Cinnamon is said to be anti-bacterial and hence it is used against bacteria which causes stomach ulcer.
10. Tumor: Cinnamon extracts contain procyanidins and eugenol that hinder the growth of tumor cells.
11. Food preservative: due to its anti-bacterial property, cinnamon is a good preservative.
12. Headache: Mix powder of cinnamon with water and apply on the painful area.  
13. Painful/irregular periods: Add cinnamon powder to lime juice and drink daily.
Danger: Cinnamon is reported to increase heart rate, cause facial flushing, hypersensitivity reactions (hand perspiration, drowsiness and burns), reduction in liver weight and decrease in haemoglobin level. Pregnant ladies and lactating mothers are advised not to use too much cinnamon in food as it can cause abortion or allergic reactions like skin irritation. Take the advice of doctor before taking cinnamon supplements as some of them can damage liver. Some cinnamon oils are not for internal use for they are too strong and can cause nervous system problems.

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