Friday 28 February 2014



Clove or ‘lavanga’ is the dried bud of a clove tree. The buds are plucked when they are pink and dried till they become brown. They are used as a spice in all types of dishes like ginger bread, pumpkin pie, rice dishes, and so many other dishes. Clove is very stimulating, carminative and aromatic. Oil extracted from clove bud, stem, and leaves is volatile and must be kept in dark bottles in a cool place. Clove oil has many medicinal properties. It has aphrodisiac properties. It contains free eugenol, eugenol acetate and caryophyllene.

Cloves are a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin C, fatty acids (ω-3), calcium, manganese and magnesium.

1. Morning sickness in pregnant women: Mash lavanga and boil in water. Cool the liquid. Drink in the morning and evening daily.
2. Cloves are used in the treatment for nausea, bad breathe, flatulence, indigestion and dyspepsia.
3. Tooth ache: Clove oil is applied to the tooth to reduce pain.
4. Asthma: Clove oil is used as an expectorant to aid bronchial problems. Drink the decoction of clove with honey thrice a day.
5. Clove oil is able to regulate the body temperature and stabilize blood circulation. The risk of falling ill is reduced.
6. Digestion: clove promotes flow of enzymes and improves digestion.
7. Vomiting: Mix honey and clove powder. Just lick this paste to reduce the vomiting feeling. OR soak clove in water and drink the liquid twice a day
8. Cholera: Drink the decoction of clove to reduce the effect of cholera.
9. Ear ache: Fry cloves in sesame oil and put a few drops into the ear to reduce the pain.
10. Eyes: Clove is very effective in reducing inflammation around the eye lashes. Rub a clove head in water and apply.
11. Head ache: A paste of clove and salt in milk is a good cure for head ache.
12. Muscular cramps: Apply clove oil to the area of cramp.
13.  Clove is an ingredient in the preparation of moth wash and sore throat sprays.
14. Clove has flavanoids helpful in reducing inflammation.
15. Skin: Clove is also used in the treatment of skin problems.
16. Scorpion sting: Roots and fruit are used in treatment of scorpion bite.
17. Head ache: Grind cloves and heat it. Apply on forehead to get relief from head ache.
18. Indigestion: Mix cardamom powder with ginger, clove and coriander. Consume to cure indigestion.

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