Thursday 27 February 2014



Every one knows badam (or almond) milk, an energy drink. It is a good substitute for cow’s milk. Badam is full of proteins and carbohydrates. Almond has 16.5% proteins and 41% oil and hence it is called the ‘healthiest nut’. It gets digested easily and hence you can give it to growing children daily. In fact eating eight almonds per day is considered to make one brighter and stronger. This belief comes from the fact that almonds are highly nutritious and good for both body and mind.

1. Almonds can be eaten raw or as sweet almond oil by growing children for mental sharpness.
2. Badam gives a lot of energy. It helps the development of white blood cells.
3. It is good for production of haemoglobin in blood.
4. Badam helps the liver, heart, nerves, brain to work perfectly.
5. It makes the muscles strong.
6. Almonds are good diet for common ailments and reduces muscle pain.
7. In Unani medicine, sweet almond oil is considered the perfect tonic for the whole family.
8. Babies can be given badam oil massage for good bone development. In adults, it will keep the skin soft and smooth. 
9. Almonds are used to treat anaemia since they are high in iron and vitamins.
10. Almonds are used to treat mental fatigue, constipation, impotence and respiratory disorders.
11. Pure almond oil is helpful to cure gastric problem and colon cancer.
12. Almonds provide nutrition to the brain and nervous system. It encourages high intellectual level and longevity.
13. Pure almond oil helps reduce tension and improves eye sight.
14. Almond oil is a cure for dandruff. It keeps hair shining and healthy.
15. Some people are afraid to eat badam thinking that it is high in fat. Actually badam contains unsaturated fat which helps decrease the bad cholesterol in the blood.
16. Antioxidants present in badam help reduce the risk of cancer.
17. Anaemia: Almonds are a rich source of iron and copper, both of which are important nutrients which together help in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and hence anaemia.
18. Lies in hair: Soak almonds overnight and make a paste. Add lemon juice and apply on scalp. Wash with cold water after 1-2 hours.


Nutrition in 100 gm (Dried)
Energy: 884 kcal
100 gm
Vitamin E(alpha-tocopherol)
39.2 µ gm


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