Friday 28 February 2014



Carrot (cooked)
Nutrition in 100 gm
Energy: 35 kcal
8.22 gm
3.45 gm
Dietary fibre
3 gm
0.18 gm
0.76 gm
90.17 gm
Vitamin A
16.895 gm
Vit B1 (Thiamin)
0.066 mg
Vit B2 (Riboflavin)
0.044 mg
Vit B3 (Niacin)
0.645 mg
Pantothenic acid (Vit B5)
0.232 mg
Vit B6
0.153 mg
Vit B9 (Folate)
2 µ gm
Vitamin C (Absorbic acid)
3.6 mg
Vitamin E
1.03 µ gm
30 mg
0.34 mg
10 mg
30 mg
235 mg
0.2 mg
242 mg
0.017 mg
0.155 mg
0.7 µ gm

The beautiful looking carrots are loved by all. Children love munching a piece of carrot because it is sweet and parents should encourage them. Carrots are used in the raw form in salads, juice and in the cooked form in curry. Sweets are also made form carrots.  The leaves are also edible.
Carrot contains a large amount of carotene and vitamin A. It has little vitamin B3, C & E. Raw carrot has potassium, calcium, iron and zinc which reduces when carrot is cooked. ½ cup of cooked carrot provides four times the recommended daily intake of vitamin A in the form of beta carotene.
When children ask for soft drinks, give them fresh carrot juice. It will keep them fresh and energetic.
1. Vitamin A in carrot is very good for the eyes. Vitamin A helps the formation of retinal, eh lack of which leads to night blindness.
2. Carrot juice is very good for curing jaundice.
3. Carrot is good for the eyes, bones, teeth, nail, hair, liver and skin due to the presence of vitamin A.
4.  Carrot gives you strength to face breast cancer and skin cancer.
5. Beta carotene in carrot is a powerful antioxidant that reduce the risk of cancer.
6. Carrot is very good for pregnant ladies. If they don’t like to munch raw carrot, they can at least take fresh carrot juice with honey.
7. Carrot acts as a wonder medicine for obesity, cracked feet, ulcer and asthma.
8. Painful/irregular periods: Drink carrot juice daily for three months.
9. Vomiting: Carrot juice with honey is a good cure for vomiting. It also gives strength.

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