Thursday 27 February 2014


Nutrition in 100 gm (Fresh)
Energy: 50 kcal
Dietary fibre
13.81 gm
10.39 gm
2.4 gm
0.17 gm
0.26 gm
Vit B1 (Thiamin)
0.017 mg
Vit B2 (Riboflavin)
0.026 mg
Vit B3 (Niacin)
0.091 mg
Pantothenic acid (Vit B5)
0.061 mg
Vit B6
0.041 mg
Vit B9 (Folate)
3 ยต gm
Vitamin C
4.6 mg
6 mg
0.12 mg
5 mg
11 mg
107 mg
0.04 mg


Everyone knows this saying. Apple is a high fibre fruit with soluble pectin in the flesh and insoluble cellulose and lignin in the peel. Hence make sure you eat the peel also. Unripe apple tastes sour due to the acid present in it. As the apple ripens, it becomes sweet.
Apple appears in many religious traditions, often as a mythical fruit or forbidden fruit. Everyone knows about how Eve ate the apple and sinned. She offered the apple to Adam. But the apple stuck in his throat. Hence larynx is also called ‘Adam’s apple’.
Apple is used in many desserts, ice creams, pie, cake, etc.
Apple contains a lot of vitamin C and hence don’t cook it. Otherwise you will miss the vitamin C.
As soon as apple is cut the exposed inner part starts turning brown due to the exposure to air. The natural phenolic substance present inside apple gets converted into melanin due to exposure to oxygen in the air. The sliced pieces can be treated with acidulated water to prevent the colour from changing.
1. Heart: In apple there are photo nutrients which are good for the heart. The extra pectin present controls the cholesterol in the body. If you take at least two apples per day you can reduce cholesterol by 16%.
2. Alzheimer  Disease: Apple does not allow the free radicals to develop in the body reducing the risk of Alzheimer disease.
3. Lung & womb cancer: Risk is of lung & womb cancer is reduced due to the presence of anti oxidant called fleminoid.
4. Cancer: Eating the peel of the apple reduces the risk of large intestine and breast cancer. Peel has bio-active acids which reduces the risk of cancer. Pectin present in the apple helps digestion. There are photo-chemicals which act as anti oxidant.
5.Flemenoid Osteoporosis:Apple has floridigen which is good for this disease. Boron present in the apple strengthens the bones.
6. Asthma: Apple juice is very good to reduce the risk of Asthma attack.
7. Pregnancy: If the pregnant lady eats one apple a day the child born will be rid of the risk of asthma for whole life.
8. Brain: Due to eating apple daily, the brain becomes sharper.
9. Diarrhea: The pectin in apple helps harden the stools curing diarrhea.
10. Skin: Rubbing skin with pieces of apple makes the skin shining.
11. Anaemia: Apple Juice, mixed with either sugar or honey, should be taken at least once a day, for the treatment of anaemia.
Danger: Do not eat the apple seeds as they contain a naturally occurring cyanide/sugar compound that gets converted into hydrogen cyanide. 


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