Saturday 1 March 2014



Nutrition in 100 gm
Energy: 300 kcal
Dietary fibre
73 gm
7.5 gm
2 gm
20 gm
Vitamin A
Vit B1 (Thiamin)
0.05 mg
Vit B2 (Riboflavin)
0.1 mg
Vit B6
0.1 mg
Vitamin E
0.7 mg
Vitamin C

Date palm is an edible fruit. All love this sweet and nutritious fruit. Dates are used in three forms: fresh, semi dry and dry. Each date fruit has one seed but seedless dates are also found.
In Islamic countries dates and milk form the first meal when sun sets during the festival of Ramzan. Dates high in carbohydrates, fibre and sugar. They are also rich in inorganic iron, potassium, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin. They are an excellent source of dietary fibre. But they have no vitamin C.
        Dates can be eaten fresh or dried. If the dry dates are kept in refrigerator it is easy to split them.
Dates contain polyphenoloxidase. This is an enzyme that oxidises the phenols in the fruit. Due to this the fruit becomes brown when it is cut. In order to stop the dates from turning brown during drying, the dates are treated with Sulphur compounds. Treated dates can cause serious allergies in people who are sensitive to sulphites.  
1. Dates being rich in potassium help reduce the risk of stroke. 
2. Dates are rich in glucose and fructose. They give strength to the body. Hence dates are often eaten during a long fast.
 3. Soak some dates in water. Drink the water to cool down the body.
4. Drinking water in which dates have been soaked twice a day is good for the heart. Anti disease power develops in the body.
5. Dates are easily digestible and give instant energy when you are tired. This is because they contain natural sugar which is absorbed quickly by the body.

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