Sunday 2 March 2014



Nutrition in 100 gm (5tbsp)
Energy: 300 kcal
82.4 gm
82.12 gm
Dietary fibre
0.2 gm
0.3 gm
17.10 gm
Vit B2 (Riboflavin)
0.038 mg
Vit B3 (Niacin)
0.121 mg
Vit. B5 (Pantothenic acid)
0.068 mg
Vit B6
0.024 mg
Vit B9 (Foliate)
2 ยต gm
Vitamin C
0.5 mg
6 mg
0.42 mg
2 mg
4 mg
52 mg
4 mg
0.22 mg

        Honey is extracted form the bee hive. It is extremely nutritious. Honey has 28 minerals, 11 enzymes, 22 amino acids, 14 fatty acids and 11 carbohydrates. Honey is often substituted for sugar since it is sweet, does not irritate our digestive system or kidneys and easily assimilated by our body.
        Children who refuse to take tablets due to the bitter taste are given tablets dissolved in honey. New born babies are made to lick finger dipped in honey as a tradition. Honey is extremely health giving and nourishing.
1. Stomach ache: One spoon of honey with warm water is good fro stomach ache.
2. Face: Honey with turmeric powder makes a good face pack. It removes spots on face.
3. Anaemia: Honey helps increase haemoglobin in blood. It is rich in iron, copper and manganese.
4. Diet sweetened with honey could decrease anxiety, improve memory and help prevent aging
5. Black heads: Honey is also an effective medicine for blackheads. Slightly warm honey and apply to the blackheads and wash your face after 10 minutes.
6. Body odour: After bathing, add a tablespoon of honey to bath water and pour it over your body.
7. Breast milk: Add honey to cow’s milk and drink to increase secretion of breast milk.
8. Cold: Add honey to milk and drink to cure cold. Crush ginger and add honey. Eat the paste to reduce cough.
9. Wounds: Honey is a disinfectant and hence if we apply honey on the wounds, they heal faster. Honey has great anti-germ property.
10. Diabetics: Honey is the only sweet product recommended by Ayurvedic doctors to a diabetic patient.
11. Obesity: Mix honey and lemon juice with warm water and drink early in the morning to reduce weight. 
12. Weakness: Drink one glass of milk with one teaspoon ghee and two teaspoon of honey before going to bed. It will give you strength and increase weight.
13. Honey reduces uric acid and hence it is a good cure for gout, arthritis and rheumatism.
14. Burns: Apply honey to the burnt area to reduce pain and blisters. Add honey to curd and drink to gain strength.
15. Muscle cramps: Mix honey with food and ear to reduce muscle cramps.

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