Sunday 2 March 2014



Nutrition in 100 gm (seed)
Energy: 470 kcal
34.94 gm
6.79 gm
Dietary fibre
14.7 gm
28.76 gm
1.46 gm
19.83 gm
5.39 gm
24.94 gm
6.86 gm
Vitamin A equi.
3 µ gm
Vit B1 (Thiamine)
0.543 mg
Vit B2 (Riboflavin)
0.381 mg
Vit B3 (Niacin)
7.890 mg
Vit B6
0.43 mg
Vit B9 (Folate)
76 µ gm
Vitamin C
3 mg
Vitamin E
2.89 mg
Vitamin K
5.4 µ gm
521 mg
9.98 mg
298 mg
841 mg
682 mg
5 mg
5.7 mg

Tiny black mustard seeds are a necessity in any Indian kitchen. It is used as a spice in many dishes like curry, pickles, chutney, etc. It is put in hot oil. As soon as the seeds fall into the hot oil they burst with a sound. If you don’t stand away the hot seeds might fall on your body. It will hurt.
‘Keen as a mustard’ is an idom used for indicating that a person is very sharp. Every Buddhist knows the story of the woman Gowtami and the mustard seeds.
Mustard seeds contain high amount of lutein, which is a carotenoid chemical. Three different oils are prepared from mustard seeds.
1. A fatty vegetable oil extracted from the seeds.
2. Essential oil: the seeds are grinding the seeds and mixing them with water. Then the volatile mustard oil is extracted by distillation.
3. The mustard extract is infused into another vegetable oil like soybean oil.
        Mustard oil extracted from the seeds has a strong smell and is used in cooking. It has 60% monounsaturated fatty acids (42% erucic acid, 12% oleic acid), 21% polyunsaturated fatty acids.
1. Mustard oil is used in many body massages to improve blood circulation, muscular development and skin texture.
2. Mustard oil is anti-bacterial.
3. Mustard oil is used in home made cosmetics.
4. Mustard oil is used to light lamps.
5. Mustard bath: Mustard seeds are powdered and put in hot bath. The patient relaxes in this for 10 mins. This draws out the toxins and warms the muscles, blood and body. This treatment is given to cure seizures, cold, fever and stressed muscles.
6. Mustard Plaster: A paste is made with dry mustard powder, flour and water. This is applied on a cloth kept on the chest or abdomen to cure bronchial pneumonia and pleurisy.
7. The leftover meal after pressing mustard seed makes a good pesticide. 
8. Dandruff: Make a paste of mustard and fenugreek seeds. Rub it at on your head to the base of hair. Take bath after ½ hour.
Mustard oil contains high level of erucic acid and hence it is not so good for health. Mustard oil irritates mucous membranes and hence excess consumption can cause stomach problems and kidney irritation. Breathing the vapour of mustard seed can trigger sneezing, coughing, asthma or eye irritation. Leaving the mustard pack on the skin for longer than 30 mins can cause burning, blisters or ulcers. Hence it should not be used on small children and people suffering from ulcers, venous problems, or kidney diseases.


Nutrition in 100 gm
100 gm
884 kcal


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