Monday 3 March 2014



Tamarind is also called ‘imli’ or ‘hunse’ or ‘chinch’. Children and elders love eating raw green fresh tamarinds with salt even though it is sour and acidic. As it ripens it turns brown and becomes a little sweeter. But the acidic taste still remains.  Even the leaves, flowers are edible. But tamarind is dried and used in a variety of dishes like curry, desserts, jams, juice, chutney, etc. Tamarind trees grown huge and look very beautiful in a park.
1. Malaria: The leaves of tamarind tree are used to prepare tea as a cure for reducing malaria fever.
2. Digestion: Tamarind is used in Ayurvedic medicine for curing gastric and digestion problems.
3. Fever: Tamarind is used as a wet pack on the forehead to decrease body temperature.
4. Sore throat: Drinking tamarind juice can reduce throat pain.
5. Cleaning brass: Tamarind pulp is used to clean brass vessels in temples.
6. Furniture: Wood of tamarind tree is used to prepare furniture and floor.
7. Loss of appetite: boil tamarind in water with black pepper powder, clove and cardamom. Drink the liquid.

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