Monday 3 March 2014



Nutrition in 100 gm
Energy: 11 kcal
Dietary fibre
1.9 gm
1.4 gm
0.9 gm
97 gm
Vitamin A
140 µ gm
Vit B1 (Thiamin)
0.05 mg
Vit B2 (Riboflavin)
0.02 mg
Vit B6
0.08 mg
Vitamin E
0.7 mg
Vitamin C
15 mg
10 mg
256 mg
10 mg
26 mg
10 mg
0.3 mg
0.06 mg
0.15 mg

Beautiful red tomatoes are an attraction in the vegetable shop. Tomatoes can be eaten raw in salad or juice. But it is also cooked to prepare so many dishes like curry, sauce, jam, pickle, etc. Leaves of tomato are toxic and can cause stomach ache. 
        Tomato is low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. It is high in dietary fibre, vitamin A, C,E, & K, potassium, manganese, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, phosphorus and copper.
         There are so many different varieties of tomato like Beefsteak tomato, Cherry tomato, Plum tomato, Salad tomato and yellow tomato.
1. Tomato has plenty of vitamin E. Eat them raw. It is good for the skin and hair. It helps control haemorrhage.
2. Raw tomato has vitamin C which helps anti-disease hormones in your body and hence it will not allow the disease come near you.
3. Tomato is good for the eyes and the nervous system.
4. lycopene in tomato can save us from different types of cancers. It has anti oxidant characters. It also keeps heart problems away and increases memory. There is more lycopene in ripe tomato than in raw tomato. But lycopene increases when tomato is boiled. If you add oil while boiling, the fat will mix with licopin and this is good for the eyes. lycopene is a carotenoid.
5. Tomato keeps urinary bladder in good condition.
6. Tomato reduces cholesterol and helps digestion. It purifies the blood and help in clotting of blood.
7. Tomato is good for people who want to reduce weight.
8. Jaundice: People suffering from jaundice should drink tomato juice with a pinch of salt early in the morning on empty stomach.
9. Pimples: Mash pudina leaves with tomato and apply on face to get rid of pimples and black spots.
10. Loss of appetite: Drink tomato soup half an hour before taking meals.
11. Sunburn: Mix tomato juice with butter milk. Apply on the burnt area and wash after half an hour.

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